Octopus is open to recruitment!
If you are a potential participant or a family member looking for more information about Octopus, visit the For Participants page.
If you're interested in the trial and would like to see if you are eligible, complete the Registration of Interest form.
You can explore which Octopus sites are open at the Octopus Sites page.
To read about Octopus trial news, visit the Publications and news page.
For more information on MS research and practical support for MS, visit the MS Society website.
We apologise that the MRC CTU at UCL Octopus trial team who oversee this website are unable to advise on eligibility and clinical queries.
If you would like to register your interest in Octopus you can contact your MS nurse or complete a Registration of Interest form.
About MAMS trials
In this section we focus on what a Multi-Arm Multi-Stage (MAMS) trial is, and why it can help research into MS.
Register Your Interest
I would like to register my interest in Octopus. What do I do next?
Participant Information Sheet
Access the Octopus Participant Information Sheet.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We have put together some of the most frequently asked questions about the trial.
Octopus is funded by the MS Society