Happy New Year! It's a new year and OCTOPUS has opened up to a new stage! 9 Participants have been screened and 4 randomised for Analysis Stage 2 (AS2), bringing the total for both stages up to 388 participants randomised and 450 participants screened! Check out the table below to see how each site is doing as of 09-January-2025: Site Number Screened Number Rand ...
Trial news

Final Analysis Stage 1 update!
We have now reached and exceeded our target for Analysis Stage 1 (AS1) with 384 participants randomised! Many thanks to all the site staff participating in Octopus, everyone who has been screened and randomised and all those who are signed on to join Octopus as we move into Analysis Stage 2 (AS2)! Check out the table below to see how we have done now that AS1 has ended: ...
MS Research Dates
One of Octopus' Personal and Public Involvement representatives, Susan Scott, recently was featured in an episode of MS Society's Research dates. She discussed clinical trials; their hopes for the future of MS care; the Octopus trial and importance of patient involvement in trials like Octopus. You can watch the video below and check out more of MS Society's MS Research dates ...
November Recruitment News!
We have now reached 382 participants randomised and 441 participants screened meaning we have recruited 110% of our goal for analysis stage 1 (375). We have not only reached our goal but exceeded it!! Many thanks to all the site staff participating in Octopus, everyone who has been screened and randomised and all those who are signed on to join Octopus as we move into Stage ...

New Participant Information Sheet and FAQ video
We have created an FAQ and Participant Information Sheet video, to help supplement the current FAQs and Participant Information Sheet available on the website!