Trial news

A small gray octopus swimming in the foreground, with blue-green sea bed in the background
'Dumbo Octopus' by NOAA Ocean Exploration on flickr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

We have now reached 277 participants randomised and 375 participants screened meaning we have recruited 74% of our goal for analysis stage 1 (375)!

Asian MS: OCTOPUS and diversity in clinical trials webinar

We have now reached 245 participants randomised and 303 participants screened meaning we have recruited 65% of our goal for analysis stage 1 (375)!

  We have now reached 228 participants randomised and 283 participants screened. This means we are 22 participants away from hitting 2/3 of our target for analysis stage 1 (375)! Check out the table below to see how each site is doing as of 16-May-2024: Site Number Screened Number Randomised UCLH (London) 108 93 University Hospital Southampton (Southamp ...

Read this short news update on how the Octopus trial team and MS Society have partnered up to work on programmes to consider ways we can increase diversity in clinical trials.

Octopus is funded by the MS Society