Octopus is launching in Australia!

Orange background with the word platypus in white and MSWA (The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia) and MS Australia logos, a line drawing of a platypus surrounds the word platypus
Orange background with Platypus logo and the MSWA (The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia) and MS Australia logos

On the 29th of November 2023, at the MS Research conference in Perth, Australia, it was announced that people with progressive MS in Australia will be able to join Platypus (PLatform Adaptive Trial for remYelination and neuroProtection in mUltiple Sclerosis).

Platypus is an extension of Octopus and is funded by MS Western Australia and MS Australia. For more information, visit the MS society website page on Platypus.

If you are a potential participant or a family member based in Australia looking for more information about Platypus, visit the MS Australia Platypus website.

If you would like to learn more about Platypus, see below:

Octopus is funded by the MS Society