
We have surpassed 200 participants randomised!

We have reached 219 participants screened and 165 randomised!

We have reached 187 participants screened and 135 randomised!

On the 29th of November 2023, at the MS Research conference in Perth, Australia, it was announced that people with progressive MS in Australia will be able to join Platypus (PLatform Adaptive Trial for remYelination and neuroProtection in mUltiple Sclerosis). Platypus isĀ an extension of Octopus and is funded by MS Western Australia and MS Australia. For more information, visi ...

A four-part series about the Octopus trial has been produced by the Trial Talk podcast at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL. The episodes explore the trial from different perspectives by talking to neurologists, MS experts and people affected by MS. You can listen to the episodes in SoundCloud, Spotify, Google podcasts and Apple podcasts. ...

Octopus is funded by the MS Society