New Participant Information Sheet and FAQ video

We have created an FAQ and Participant Information Sheet video, to help supplement the current FAQs and Participant Information Sheet available on the website.
Each video has subtitles, and chapters so you can skip and listen to answers to questions you may have about joining Octopus!
You can also see the videos below:
Participant Information Sheet:
This video is designed to be supplementary to the Participant Status sheet, and is not a replacement. The aim is for this video to help condense the information provided in the sheet in another way to help you digest it all.
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - What is multiple sclerosis (MS)?
01:11 - What is the aim of the Octopus trial?
02:48 - Who can take part in the Octopus trial?
03:18 - What happens in a clinical trial that has a placebo or dummy drug?
04:06 - What is randomisation in a clinical trial?
04:51 - What happens in the first stage of the Octopus trial?
05:56 - What happens if the Octopus treatment does not show benefit?
06:35 - What happens if the Octopus treatment does show benefit?
07:09 - How have people with MS shaped the Octopus trial?
07:31 - Further information
FAQ: Your questions answered
00:00 - Intro
01:17 - What will I need to do if I want to take part?
02:39 - How often will I need to visit the hospital or clinic?
03:47 - How long could the six-monthly visits go on for?
03:52 - How long does each visit take?
04:30 - Do I have to take part in Octopus?
04:54 - Can I stop taking part after I've joined the study already?
05:55 - Why is there a placebo or dummy drug?
06:41 - When will I find out what treatment I've been on?
07:25 - Could I experience some side effects?
09:01 - What if I'm taking other medications?
09:45 - Are there any other precautions I should take?
11:24 - When should I stop taking the trial medication?
12:23 - Will I get back any travel costs?